Have you ever wondered what the other teachers are up to in their classrooms? Have you wanted to visit another teacher’s classroom but couldn’t work it out in your schedule or theirs? Are you working with “secret geniuses?” Learn & share promos are the way to go!
There are ssssssoooooo many times as a teacher that I would walk into one of my colleague’s rooms at the end of the day to find something AMAZING that they did with their class. I would think to myself, “why didn’t I think of that and how come they didn’t share this awesomeness with me?” Now that I am an instructional coach I get to see the AWESOME things that teachers do on a daily basis firsthand. The other instructional coach and I came up with the idea to give other teachers a glimpse into their colleague’s classrooms and share their “secret genius” ideas by creating learn and share promos. Check out all of the awesome things our teachers have been up to!
Gone are the days of keeping to ourselves! Our goal is to create our very own teaching channel created solely of learn and share promos from our teachers aka “secret geniuses”! We really want to change the culture of our school to a culture of collaboration and sharing and learn & share promos are just one strategy we are using. Check out our completed promos here!
What Is A Learn & Share Promo?
Learn & share promos are designed as commercials, short (15 minutes or less) infomercials about topics teachers are willing to share. Something that they choose, that they have worked hard on and are proud to share. A new idea that was learned through a class/conference/webinar or through research. A practice they feel other teachers would benefit from or something they wish they would have had before starting something new or making a change. As teachers, our passion is to teach. We need to expand our mindsets to not only teaching our students but teaching each other.

High School Math- Growth Mindset Learn & Share Promo
After studying the behavior of thousands of children, Dr. Dweck coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.
How Is A Learn & Share Promo Created?
Each learn & share promo video that we created follows the 4 questions of a PLC conducted through a student-centered coaching cycle with an instructional coach. We used the Learning By Doing book (below) as our guide. Starting with the foundation of who are our students as learners? Question #1: What do we want our students to know (standards)? Question #2 How will we know if our students have mastered the content (assessment)? Question #3 How will we respond when a student experiences difficulties (differentiation)? Question #4 How will we respond to the students who already know the content (differentiation).
Math Centers In 1st & 2nd Grade Classrooms- Learn & Share
The goal of reorganizing a classroom into math centers is to allow the teacher to provide the highest quality instruction to a small group of students, while other students work productively, independently, and cooperatively in a variety of interconnected tasks at other activity centers. At scheduled times, students shift to a different center so that eventually all students have the opportunity to complete the tasks at every center, as well as to work with the teacher in a small group! I would suggest 15-minute rotations.
Why Create Learn & Share Promos?
As teachers we are often times, at no fault to ourselves, are confined to our classrooms. It’s how schools have been run for years. We get busy with the day to day hustle and bustle and have everything scheduled down to the minute. We don’t give ourselves credit for the creative things we do. We feel that if we share our ideas we will be seen as boastful, a know it all or a bragger. Well……….. it’s time to make a change.
The culture of teaching is changing. Teachers roles are changing. We are now not just lecturers. We don’t just read from basals as students read from their books. We don’t shut our doors and “hide” in our classrooms. We are facilitators and collaborators with open doors, open minds and are creating a culture within the classroom of learning from each other. As teachers, we are also joining a culture of learning more from each other. Practice what you preach right…..
Kindergarten Responsive Classroom Learn & Share Promo
Responsive Classroom is a research-based approach to K-8 teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional skills.